- 9705 - Reveal Revive Medium, unitized, Safety Data Sheet [English]
- 9705 - Reveal Revive Medium, unitized, Safety Data Sheet [Spanish]
- 9706 - Reveal 2.0 for Salmonella, Material Safety Data Sheet [English]
- 9715 - Reveal RV Medium (2X), unitized, Material Safety Data Sheet [English]
- 9715 - Reveal RV Medium (2X), unitized, Material Safety Data Sheet [Spanish]
- 9715 - Reveal RV Medium (2X), unitized, Product Information Sheet [Portuguese]
- 9729 - Reveal RV Medium (1X), unitized, Safety Data Sheet [English]
- 9802 - Reveal 2.0 for Salmonella, One-Step Complete System, Safety Data Sheet [English]
- 9803 - Reveal 2.0 for Salmonella, Complete System with RV, Safety Data Sheet [English]
- 9804 - Reveal 2.0 for Salmonella, Environmental Sampling System, Safety Data Sheet [English]
- 9805 - Reveal 2.0 for Salmonella, Complete System with RV and M-Broth, Safety Data Sheet [English]
- 20 Reveal 2.0 for Salmonella test devices
- 20 transfer pipettes
- 20 reaction cups
- Scale capable of weighing a minimum of 25 g (Neogen® item 9427)
- Timer (Neogen items 9452, 9426)
- Sample cup rack (Neogen item 9475)
- Sterile deionized or distilled water
- Incubator capable of maintaining 42 ± 1°C (Neogen item 9735)
- Incubator capable of maintaining 36 ± 1°C (Neogen item 9735)
- Graduated cup
- Stomacher-type bags
Test Systems:
NOTE: The Reveal 2.0 for Salmonella device requires the use of certain enrichment media and supplies. These can be purchased as part of a test system or individually.
- Reveal 2.0 one-step system (contains devices, 1x RV selective medium and sampling bags for 20 tests) (Neogen item 9802)
- Reveal 2.0 complete system with RV (contains devices, Revive, 2x RV selective medium and sampling bags for 20 tests) (Neogen item 9803)
- Reveal 2.0 environmental system (contains devices, Revive, 2x RV, sampling bags and environmental sample kits for 20 tests) (Neogen item 9804)
- Reveal 2.0 complete system with RV and M-broth (contains devices, Revive, 2x RV selective medium, M-broth and sampling bags for 20 tests) (Neogen item 9805)
NOTE: Media can be purchased individually or as part of a test system.
- 20 bottles of Revive medium (Neogen item 9705)
- 20 bottles 2x concentrated Rappaport-Vassiliadis (2x RV) (Neogen item 9715)
- 20 bottles 1x Rappaport-Vassiliadis (1x RV) (Neogen item 9729)
- 20 bottles M-Broth (Neogen item 9722)
- Lactose Broth (Neogen item 7141)
Optional Materials
- AccuScan® reader
- Stomacher 400 machine or equivalent