Soleris® System

The Soleris® system consists of an incubator, ready-to-use vials, and system software. It has reproducible, rapid, and accurate detection of a variety of microorganisms across a spectrum of sample types including food, dairy, beverages, nutraceuticals, and personal care products. The flexibility of the system can grow as needed; 1 to 512 samples can be tested simultaneously and up to four instruments can be connected to a single PC allowing any combination of 32 and 128 sample units. There is random access to all positions at any time — no batching is required. The instrument has no moving parts and a rugged design for a long life. It combines dye technologies and optical sensors to detect various groups of organisms by their metabolic processes (e.g., coliforms, Enterobacteriaceae, yeast and molds, lactic acid bacteria, E. coli, and others).

The Soleris technology is based on monitoring changes in the chemical characteristics of a microbial growth medium in which the target microorganisms grow. Color changes due to microbial activity by pH change or CO2 production are monitored by the system.

Features Benefits & Product Specifications

Soleris helps businesses protect brand equity by ensuring the quality of raw materials meets standards faster, thus allowing businesses to provide customers with higher quality finished products. This technology facilitates the improvement of manufacturing processes by preventing reworks before the product is made. The Soleris system’s automated optical technology uses simple methodology and familiar principles of classic microbiology. Soleris keeps product quality up, while holding times down.


Soleris® System

    The Soleris system enables the screening of:
    • Raw materials
    • In-process materials
    • Environmental samples
    • Finished products
    Soleris aids production by:
    • Delivering earlier detection of contamination
    • Ensuring higher quality
    • Enabling longer shelf life
    • Providing greater brand value
    Time to results:
    • Early alert to problems - most results within a work shift
    • Early automated alert of problems and critical data with real-time availability of results
    Lower labor cost:
    • Simplified workflow
    • Fast sample preparation
    • Easy-to-use, even by non-microbiologists
    • Automated data capture
    • Automated alert of problems
    • Reporting in many formats
    • Automated data collecting and sample tracking
    • Customized tests, products and specifications
    • Plant location trend analysis

Optical Sensor

The vial features a plug, located at the bottom of the vial, through which optical measurements are performed. Above the plug, liquid growth media and appropriate dye(s) are present. The sample is added to the liquid broth. The plug area is not influenced by the particulates in the sample, since only small molecules and ions can diffuse to or equilibrate with the plug. This creates a clear window that allows precise optical measurements of changes in color due to microbial growth.

These changes are detected photometrically by an optical sensor. Light from light-emitting diodes pass through the chamber and a photodiode on the other side of the vial reads the color change as microbial growth occurs. As soon as a color change is detected, the time of detection is recorded. The instrument measures the optical properties of the window every six minutes.

This automatic detection makes Soleris a valuable tool for real-time detection of a wide range of microorganisms in various products. A crucial element to the technology is the monitoring of these changes in the reading zone or the well, which is separated from the liquid medium. This eliminates the masking of the optical pathway by the product, or microbial turbidity.

Changes in color, expressed as optical units, are monitored by the optical sensor and recorded in the computer. Various dyes, which indicate a change in pH, redox or enzymatic activity, can be incorporated into the system.

Reference Materials

  • Soleris Brochure
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